Utilizing YouTube’s Popularity in Library Programs


“Whatever you find your passion is, do that in front of the camera, and I’m sure you’ll have just as much success and joy!” – Shiela Keaise

Meet Shiela Keaise, the first African American children’s librarian at the Colleton County Memorial Library in South Carolina. Shiela, also known as Ms. Literacy, has built an impressive 27-year career in libraries, embracing the changes that come with the times, including YouTube. She learned to record, edit, and produce her own story time videos on YouTube to reach and connect with a broader audience. Now she considers herself a professional YouTuber!

We discuss the following in this podcast episode:

Shiela’s journey into librarianship – 2:20
Job responsibilities and how they have evolved – 5:10
Applying racial background to the work – 9:50
Embracing the world of YouTube as a librarian – 12:55
Video editing and copyrights in virtual story times – 15:18
Advice for programming on YouTube – 20:45
How to create meaningful connections in a virtual learning environment – 25:20
Additional things folks may not know about libraries – 31:16 

Come listen to Shiela Keaise speak more about creating an impact on YouTube. Her knowledge and positive energy will leave you feeling inspired! 


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